EU projects 2021-2027

EU projects

Monimoto UAB implements a project to develop export markets

Monimoto, UAB implements the project “Development of export markets through participation in exhibitions and certification APV production”, co-financed by the Development Programme 2022-2030 of the Lithuanian Development Programme Manager

Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania Development Programme of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Economic and Social Development, Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Lithuania Measures to promote the growth of export competitiveness” activity “SME high value-added products and services Promotion of certification and presentation in foreign markets (Capital Region)”. The objective of the project is Improving competitiveness and internationalisation.

During the implementation of the project, Monimoto, UAB will participate in international exhibitions and certify companies products. These activities will enable the company to increase the visibility and attractiveness of its products on export markets and increase export earnings.

The amount of eligible costs of the project is 116 325.18 EUR
The European Union Regional Development Fund will contribute 58 162.59 EUR
Project start date – 2024-04-23
Project completion date – 2026-10-31

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